Legal Notice
Asahi France
10 Faubourg Poissonnière Street
75010 Paris
Tél. : 01 40 13 92 74
Editor: Bertrand van Renynghe
2 Kellermann Street
BP 80157
59100 Roubaix
57 Avenue André Morizet,
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Tél. : 01 40 99 80 80
All content published on this site is protected by copyright © AsahiEuropeLtd. Asahi France also claims database rights for this site. All rights reserved.
Welcome to Asahi France. This site is provided by Asahi UK, a company registered in France with the RCS of Paris under number 821 560 760 and having its registered office at 10 Rue du Faubourg Poissonnière 75010 PARIS. The words "us", "our" and "nos" all refer to Asahi France. By accessing this site, you agree to the terms and conditions below (the "Terms and Conditions") and the Privacy Policy.
1. Minimum age
Parts of this site are not accessible to minors or under the legal age of buying alcohol in the country, state, province or territory from which you visit this site. Before you can access these parts of the site, you will need to confirm your age.
You use this site (including your downloading of documents or your use of links to other sites), and you rely on the content published therein, at your own risk. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we expressly disclaim any and all statements, conditions or warranties with respect to market value, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose or reasonable diligence and skill that may otherwise be implied or incorporated In these conditions, whether under the law or otherwise. Except as expressly stated otherwise, we make no representations or warranties regarding:
- the accuracy or completeness of the information published on this site;
- the availability of this site or its operation without error or interruption;
- the compatibility of this site with your computer systems and software;
- the fact that the present site is free from infection having the nature of a virus.
3.Limitation of our liability
This limitation does not apply in the event of death or bodily injury due to our negligence or fraud on our part. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of using or attempting to use this site or any content published on this site.
4.Intellectual property
We own or license any intellectual property rights relating to the content of this site (including, but not limited to, trademarks, images, and logos) and are reserved to us. You will not acquire any rights to the content of this site, except the limited right to use it in accordance with the terms and conditions.
5.Use of this Site
You may use this site in accordance with these terms and conditions and you may print and / or download information from the Site for your personal, non-commercial use. You do not have the right:
- to link or insert all or part of this site to any other site, without our prior agreement;
- hacking this site or using it to transmit computer viruses or for any illegal purposes;
- to distort or modify the content you copy from this site or to use this content without publishing the copyright notices, and other proprietary notices that we use in connection with that content, from the same Way and in the same form as on this site. In the event of any breach by you of these conditions or of our privacy regulations, we may suspend or prohibit your access to this site.
6. Hypertexte links
Links to other sites are provided to facilitate your navigation. We do not endorse or endorse these sites or their operators and you download, browse or use these sites at your own risk and without liability on our part.
7. Change
We may modify, update or discontinue use of this site, or any content published on it, at any time and without notice from us. We may also amend these Terms and Conditions as necessary.
8.Applicable law and interpretation
If any provision of these Terms is deemed void, voidable, unlawful or otherwise inapplicable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall not be affected.
These general terms and conditions are governed by French law.
1. General
Asahi France respects your privacy. This regulation describes the type of information we collect from our site and the use that we may make of it. We may update this by-law as necessary, be sure to check it regularly. By using this site and / or providing personal information, you agree to the terms of these rules.
2. Collection and use of personal information
Personal information includes information such as your name, address, telephone number, date of birth and e-mail address. In general, you can visit our site without providing personal information. However, we may from time to time need to collect your personal information for a particular purpose, for example to give you the information you have requested. If we use your personal information for other purposes, we will share it with you when we request it. By providing us with this information, you agree to the use and disclosure of your personal information for the purposes stated.
Access to certain pages of our site is restricted to persons of legal age or who have reached the legal age to purchase and legally consume alcohol in the country, state, province or territory from which they access the site . In these cases, we do not intend to collect personal information of any minor or under the age of 18 years of age. If we learn that the personal information of a person who has not reached that age is provided to us, we will delete it.
3. Disclosure
We may disclose your personal information to Group companies and third parties for our own commercial, marketing and site-related purposes. We will not sell, transfer or disclose your personal information to third parties without your express consent or unless we are required to do so in response to your request or for other similar purposes; We will not sell, transfer or disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes at any time.
4. Cookies and other anonymous information
We may automatically collect certain anonymous information when you visit our site, such as the type of Internet browser used, the type of operating system of your computer, the connection speed and the domain name of the site that Directed on our site.
We may also store certain information on your computer, in the form of a "cookie" or file of the same kind. We may use them to collect other information during your visit to our sites, namely the particular sections of the site you are visiting and the activities in which you participate on our sites. We may use this information to adjust our sites to suit your interests and preferences and to improve our products, services and marketing programs. If you do not want us to use cookies, you can disable cookies. Most Internet browsers allow you to erase cookies from your hard drive, block all cookies or receive a warning before storing a cookie. You can get information about how to manage cookies at www.allaboutcookies.org. By using this site, you are presumed to accept the use of cookies in the manner described.
5. Security and Accuracy
We attach importance to the accuracy and security of your personal information and have implemented physical and electronic procedures to protect them. Only authorized administrative staff will have access to it.
If you have submitted personal information and would like to have it removed from our records, or have it updated, please follow the instructions on our "Contact Us" page. Please allow us time to update our records.
6. Transfer of information
All personal information will be stored in the country in which it is collected and may also be transferred to the UK. Personal information collected within the European Union (EU) will not be transferred outside the EU without your consent.
7. Contact us
Other questions ? Please refer to the "Contact Us" page for more information on how to ask questions and suggestions on this privacy policy.